Living the Sky Life with Laurie Hellmann
Laurie Hellmann is standing with her son Skylar.

Living the Sky Life with Laurie Hellmann

Laurie Hellmann is an author, speaker, podcast host, advocate, and mother. Laurie sees you, and she understands because that’s a part of her life, too, as she raises her son, Skyler, who has severe, non-verbal autism.

Laurie’s love, however, knows no bounds, and even though autism presents various challenges for her, her son, and her family, Laurie knows it does not define who a person is, nor does it devalue or diminish their contributions to this world. Our world—even when it’s unpredictable and frightening, both deafeningly quiet and overwhelmingly loud—is still shimmering with silver linings and powerful lessons… lessons that Laurie and Skyler have learned together every step of the way.

Alone isn’t where anyone has to stay, and community strengthens the voices of all. Laurie Hellmann invites all who are passionate about using their voices to share a message of hope, inclusion, perseverance, and opportunity as she pulls back the curtain and reveals the brutally honest and heartwarming accounts families navigating autism and other special needs experience daily.

Lisa Dempsey is a Featured Guest

Lisa Dempsey is pictured next to Laurie Hellmann and her son Skylar.

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